Small Shops Support Small Shops V.2
To continue to support our small shop community, here are other shops that also participates in this Small Shop Friends event.
Use universal code is: SHOPFRIENDS to save on all these shops.
Stitching Botanicals @stitchingbotanicals
Two Grey Rabbits @twogreyrabbits
Two Grey Rabbits is a shop that offers hand knitted clothing for children in the age range preemie up to 10 years old. Everything is knitted with ecological yarns. The special thing about this shop (except for the cute items) is that everything is really hand knitted by one person in her living room.
The Threaded Arrow Shop @thethreadedarrow
Offers handmade baby items like swaddle sets, braided paci clips, knot bow headbands, lovey’s, and also custom rompers, leggings & bummies. it’s a joy to see littles, especially wearing something of ours!
My Little Hipster Bow & Clothing Boutique @mylittlehipsters_
MLH provides handmade, stylish, and quality bows for your little ones, and in the fall of 2020 we will be launching our clothing line for girls and boys! We are also an eco-friendly shop.
Sloth and Stork @slothandstork
Sloth and Stork is ran by an illustrator, Leanne. She creates printable art, activities and gifts for 1-5 year olds. She loves to create great illustration, picture books and fun things to fill little worlds with.