October Young Photographer Featured: Owen from California

October Young Photographer Featured: Owen from California

Owen, 5 years old, lives in California with his family.

Our young photographer is using Father's Factory wooden digital camera to take photos of her mom

Ever since the family got him a wooden camera when he was about 2 years old, he has taken it everywhere with him, on every vacation, to document his experiences with just imaginary photos. From Disneyland to the aquarium, he took imaginary photos everywhere.

The family has been waiting for Owen's fifth birthday to gift him with our real Wooden Digital Camera that took real photos and he was ecstatic. Although as a dentist Owen's dad always playfully encourages him to follow in his footsteps, Owen has always wanted to be an artist from the time that he could speak. He loves to paint, draw, and now to take photos. His muse is currently his 20 month old sister as he follows her around all day to snap photos of her.

Photo from Father's Factory wooden digital camera, taken by Owen
He’s inspired by mom watching her snapping photos of him all the time. Although mommy is not a professional photographer, she has such an appreciation for photography and she is always lugging around big cameras instead of iPhone for photos. 
The family did their photoshoot with Caroline Tran, Owen observed the way she was directing them and asked if they could get his camera out from their car, which he had brought with him, and then he just took over from there! Luckily Caroline thought it was hilarious and let him run with it. Owen directed the family what to do, how to pose, and where to go! The result came out amazing. Below are some photos Owen took that day using our Wooden Digital Camera in Multi Lens.
Photo by Owen using Father's Factory wooden digital camera for kids. Digital Camera. Camera for kids. Wooden camera
Photo by Owen using Father's Factory wooden digital camera for kids. Digital Camera. Camera for kids. Wooden camera
Photo by Owen using Father's Factory wooden digital camera for kids. Digital Camera. Camera for kids. Wooden camera
Photo by Owen using Father's Factory wooden digital camera for kids. Digital Camera. Camera for kids. Wooden camera
To visit Owen's family IG account: https://www.instagram.com/itsterryberry/
To visit Caroline Tran Photographer Account: https://www.instagram.com/carolinetran/



